via Tumblr If you’re out at the range or on the course, you’re probably most concerned with how you’re hitting the ball. But if you’re parked nearby, you might want to watch the other folks swinging the clubs. One circular dent in your fender can ruin an otherwise great round, and if you don’t know who dinged your ride, you could be on the hook for the repairs. Range Responsibility Most golf courses and driving ranges have posted liability waiver signs, which exempt the business from any damage claims. These signs will usually say something like, “Park At Your Own Risk,” or “Management Not Responsible for Wayward Shots.” So the likelihood is that the range will deny any responsibility for the damage to your car. That said, some business do carry insurance just for these incidents. So it might be worth asking if damage from a sliced 7-iron is covered. The Guilty Golfer In some states, the person who hit the ball is responsible for any damage it creates, and even in states without the requirement, some will pay your deductible out of a moral obligation. Your problem will be actually tracking down the responsible party. Stray golf balls may leave a smashed windshield, but they don’t normally leave a timestamp or a signature. If you know who did the damage, have a friendly conversation about their contribution to the cause. Just be careful – angry golfers can turn nasty. Hazard Insurance Unfortunately, the most probable outcome is that you’ll have to take care of the damage yourself. Comprehensive coverage on your automobile insurance policy should take care of it, though you’ll probably need to pay the deductible. If you live near a golf course or driving range, check to see if your homeowners insurance covers damage to cars parked on your property. (If it doesn’t, you might want to think about upgrading your policy.) If an errant tee shot bounced off your t-top convertible, you might want to call a car accident attorney near you to see who might be responsible. Related Resources: Browse Car Accident Lawyers by Location (FindLaw Directory) Golfer Gets Shot After His Golf Ball Breaks a Window (FindLaw’s Legally Weird) Golfer Sues Over Bird Attack on Course (FindLaw’s Injured) 5 Confusing Car Insurance Terms Explained (FindLaw’s Injured) from Injured via Blogger
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