Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Cryotherapy Injury: When to Sue

One of the newest health treatments that celebrities are going crazy for is cryotherapy. Since celebrities are often an example for the rest of us non-celebs, it's no surprise that cryotherapy is being used by "regular" people as well. But, what exactly is cryotherapy? And, if you end up with injuries, can you sue?

What Is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy involves standing in a chamber with air that's chilled from anywhere between -150 to -290 degrees Fahrenheit for about three minutes. And, why would anyone want to do this? Well, it supposedly has various benefits. Some of the purported benefits of cryotherapy include getting better sleep, relieving pain, improving athletic performance, and helping with depression. It's reported that people can experience different effects from the experience ranging from feeling energized to feeling more relaxed.

Liability for Injuries From Cryotherapy

Considering the nature of cryotherapy, it seems likely that there's a potential for sustaining injuries from it. And, you may assume that the company providing the cryotherapy would be liable for injuries. However, when participating in any activity, there's something called the assumption of risk. This legal defense means that that if you go skiing, for example, you're accepting the inherent risks of sustaining certain injuries without it being anyone else's fault. It's important to note, however, that if your injury is a result of someone else's error or negligence, it's generally not considered an assumption of risk.

In the case of cryotherapy, if someone is injured because a staff member did something wrong, then that goes beyond assuming the risk of entering into a freezing chamber. For example, one woman is suing a Dallas cryotherapy center claiming that because a staff member gave her wet gloves, it froze her arm. Similarly, a woman in Westchester is suing Equinox and Nordic Cryotherapy claiming that a botched treatment left her with severe frostbite injuries.

How the courts will decide on cryotherapy injuries is yet to be seen. But, in the meantime, if you suffer an injury during a cryotherapy treatment, it's a good idea to discuss the circumstances of your injury with a personal injury attorney to see there's a potential for recovering damages.

Related Resources:

from Injured http://blogs.findlaw.com/injured/2018/03/cryotherapy-injury-when-to-sue.html

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